A heartfelt film about a young learner from the Gadra Matric School who is trying to improve her marks. Shulamite Mswela tells how she moved from her hometown in Port Alfred to Grahamstown, in the hopes of being the first scientist in her family. With the guidance from distinguished professor Dr Shivani Mishra from the University of South Africa, Shulamite learns that the academic journey is not that easy. Dr Mishra allows the viewer to see how human she truly is, as she voices her failures and upheavals. Like Shulamite, Dr Mishra had to assimilate into a new environment and make sacrifices. She has achieved countless accolades, whilst learning from her failures and never giving up. Shulamite and Dr Mishra’s paths meet and they share their stories of overcoming failure and perseverance.
Production by Daniel Tucker & Collette Prince
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