
Making Mead

Report by Martin Bleazard

Making Mead
At an abandoned power station just out of Grahamstown, Dr Garth Cambray makes mead traded as Iquilika, the isiXhosa term for the alcohol made from the fermentation of honey. Here he takes us through the process and explains his philosophy on how he makes this product sustainably and locally.
Martin Bleazard’s porfolio is found here


Foreign Affairs – the documentary

Report by Sungeni Chitambo

This 5 minuter aims to show the lack of human rights employed in the way the South African Home Affairs Department conducts its operations. We follow the story of Ben who was detained by Immigration Officers in Grahamstown in the worst of conditions. With the same heartless abuse of power by the police during apartheid being reflected in the way Home Affairs officials treat foreign nationals, it looks as though history is repeating itself.
Sungeni Chitambo’s portfolio is here


Home of Joy

Report by Julie Campbell

This documentary is a profile on Home of Joy Youthcare centre in Joza, Grahamstown. It introduces Margaret Ngcangca who runs Home of Joy, children who live there and one of the volunteers who helps out there. The video shows the amazing love Mama Margaret invests in these abandoned, sick or orphaned children, and shows people how they can help Home of Joy.
Julie Campbell’s portfolio is foudn here

RUTV4 Doc Fest 2012

RUTV4 Doc Fest 2012

Pics of the fab event are found here.
Thanks to the The Big Wang Club Nightlife Project


Two Stories

Production by Martin Bleazard, Justin Archer & Rosanna Scott 24mins

Winner of the Audience Prize 2012 at the 7th RUTV Documentary Film Festival

Two Stories profiles the experiences and impact of two people from different backgrounds. Jan and Nosiphokazi live in two townships in the Eastern Cape. Their presence in these places has affected them and those around them profoundly.
Nosiphokazi Fihlani, a corrective rape survivor, lives in the Grahamstown township and stands bravely against those who discriminate against her and so inspires other lesbians to be open in a community that wants to keep them silenced.
Jan Blom, a rowing coach from Holland, came to the Port Alfred township after his partner died and started an organization to train disadvantaged children in sports and basic education.


Facing the Music

Production by Sungeni Chithambo, Charmian Africa & Thomas Mills. 24min

Music is a recreational activity offered in prisons nationwide. Five male ex-convicts in Grahamstown explain their crimes and show the power that music has played by giving them discipline, self-worth, focus and an occupation to help avoid further crime. Music alone cannot be credited; the characters highlight the importance of family support as a driving force behind successful reintegration into society and a curb to potential re-offense. This documentary takes a look at Norman Plaatjie and friends, all ex-prisoners trying to re-adapt into the community.