

We live in a society where anything that is different is feared or misunderstood but what happens when you make the conscious decision to stand out? John Wayne Stevens, a body modification artist and performance artist, speaks about what life is like as a heavily modified individual.

Produced by Louise Fuller


2 become 1

2 become 1 explores the impact of growing up without a father through the eyes of Carey Moraladi – a student at Rhodes University. Carey was raised in a single parent household by her mother’s with whom she had an extremely close bond until her passing. This resulted in her having identity and abandonment issues as a teenager as she tried to find herself without much parental support.
After years of separation, she finally reunited with her father and established a relationship just 2 years ago. This has seen a gradual process of trust and re-commitment for both Carey and her father to establish a bond. She still maintains a close relationship with her mother’s family who reside in Grahamstown, especially during the time she has been studying at Rhodes.

Production by Laura Skippers



Five Rhodes University students speak about gender, sexuality and societal pressures that are experienced by members of the LGBTQI+ community. They discuss issues such as labelling, ‘coming out’ and the pervasiveness of heteronormativity within the public sphere. Each student shares their experiences of misconceptions surrounding their gender, sexuality and identities at Rhodes and beyond.
The LGBTQI+ community is increasing in visibility on Rhodes campus. Societies such as OutRhodes and Gender Action Project ensure that members of this community feel welcomed and included. Issues such as heteronormativity, homophobia and misconceptions around gender, sex and sexuality are addressed by these societies in the hopes that the LGBTQI+ community can feel more included and visible. The dissemination of this information is vital so people are more aware of how societal norms exclude and demonise anyone who is not heterosexual. The LGBTQI+ community encompasses many genders, sexuality and orientations allowing some people to live a more fluid life.

Production by Jenna Lillie



The Bon Tempo farm, located not more than a 20 minute drive from Grahamstown in the Eastern Cape, serves as a venue for functions, Sunday lunches, and tours of its extensive priapic garden and phallic gallery. The Phallery, as it’s proprietors Volkher and Claudia Von Lengeling refer to it, houses an extensive collection of phallic themed artworks in a diverse range of mediums. The Von Lengeling’s take us inside The Phallery, and explain their motivation in erecting South Africa’s largest collection of phallic art.

Production by Campbell Easton


A day in the life of Mzodelile Gadu

What difference can R1 or R2 really make in someone’s life? It’s just coins, small change some would say, but for Mzodelile Gadu it’s his livelihood. It is the difference between whether his family will go to bed hungry or not. It is the difference between educating his children and having them stay home. As a car guard he relies on these coins to survive.

Produced by Jenna Lillie and Siyavuya Makubalo


A day in the life of a young street seller in Grahamstown.

A day in the life of a young street seller in Grahamstown.

Report by Campbell Easton and Nikho Mageza