
How safe Is the meat we eat?

Meat is a part of the staple diet in most South African homes. The recent Listeriosis outbreak shook the country, resulting in a loss of about 200 lives. South Africa’s history of scandals surrounding the meat industry bares the question, how safe is the meat we consume? From accepting rotten meat imported from the shores of Brazil, to ‘cross contaminated meat’ found in popular supermarket chains; this short video explores it all.

Production by Lameez Khumalo


Climate change – a matter of time

Climate impacts our lives in more ways than we understand, after years of debate it is finally becoming common knowledge that climate change is taking place yet people do see the urgency of the matter. The video demands that people begin to listen because they don’t the future for life on earth looks bleak.

Production by Nokwanda Dlamini


Better service delivery for rural South Africa.

Rural communities still don’t have water services. Although measures have been taken, these communities are forced to use unprotected water. Studies say the challenge is caused by municipal mismanagement. Therefore, rural communities struggle to get these services. Community members suffer from disease outbreaks from consuming untreated water.

Production by Nontokozo Mchunu


Uneven Waters: A tale of rich and poor

Cape Town is experiencing the worst drought of the century. Consequently, the municipality has placed water restrictions in a bid to save water. But, it seems as if heavy restrictions are placed in informal settlements where there is little access to water in any case. This video explores water usage in these areas and how it differs to affluent suburbs. With consistent droughts in many parts of South Africa, municipalities have put water curbs on their residents. But it seems that these restrictions reinforce inequalities by being placed in informal settlements.

Production by Tswelopele Maputla


Where are women’s voices in land conversations?

This video explores the lack of dialogue regarding women and land in South Africa. It asks the question of whether there will be a change in women’s treatment over land and the lack of land that gets given to them. Asking these kind of questions is important as it uncovers the complex questions we should have about the land expropriation without compensation policy. Past traditional laws in South Africa have seen women not gain as much land as men. Will this change with this new policy?




The Land Restitution Act which was put in place in 1994 and aimed to restore the land forcefully taken from black South Africans during colonialism and apartheid. As of 2017, only 7% of that land has been restored which means that black farmers do not have land to farm on, and are forced to rent the land on which they farm because of lack of funds and resources

Production by Zandile Hlabangane